
     Japanese Horror is vastly different than Western Horror. After listening to Diplomacy There assumptions on J horror. More have to do with karma and people rather than in western horror. It has to do with good and evil, and your soul being taken away .In J horror it’s about doing something to the person next to you, and them hurting you after they are dead. I think this mostly has to do with their culture, as western culture is built, and a religion that is self-indulgent. When In Japan for example they are built around a religious system. That’s has to do with how you treat people. In the horror stories there was a lot of little examples about assumptions towards someone’s weakness. Or tricking them to not be vengeful spirits. Almost all are cautionary tales. It somehow helps your outlook on what people are. Now for Western horror .Its good and evil and your usually the good one if not all the time. And it’s about protecting yourself from demons that want to be you. And take what you have. It’s a typical thing in American culture for that to be the perceived thing. Since our country is supposedly the envy of the world, and everyone wants what we have. Hence the religion built on it. Built on it to push these trains of thought to be the victim. In J horror. It’s about normal day to day people that have been wronged and want justice. In a karma fashion to teach the person to not hurt your fellow man.  Personally I prefer J horror in this intense it’s more mentally stimulating in terms of how plot could be pushed. And not so black and white that western culture tends to be. Evil this that’s bad we stop that .Western horror just uses over and over. J horror has a much bigger opportunity. To make interesting scenes interesting stories. But I will miss the creatures that western culture tends to have. Which J horror doesn’t? They fear what’s real, and what is right in front of them unlike us we fear the unknown in a more literal sense


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